Tchaikovsky: Ballets

Disc number in the directory:
MEL CD 1001951

The repertoire of any ballet company always has three perfor-
mances penned by the same author – Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
These are Swan Lake (1877), The Sleeping Beauty (1889) and
The Nutcracker (1892). If now these works are not only known
to the whole world but have become a tradition, in Tchaikovsky’s
time they opened a new era of the Russian ballet. Tchaikovsky
was one of the first Russian composers who turned to the genre
of ballet adding a self-reliant artistic value to the music.
The Firma Melodiya programme titled “P.I. Tchaikovsky – Ballets”
features the music by the greatest Russian composer performed
by the USSR State Academic Symphony Orchestra lead by
the prominent conductor of modern time Evgeny Svetlanov.
The wealth of Tchaikovsky’s scores performed by the celebrated
orchestra allows the listeners to get immersed in the magical
world of the characters of Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty and
The Nutcracker, literally visualizing it.

Track List

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