Mussorgsky: Boris Godunov (3CDs)

Catalog number:
MEL CD 1000764

“I see the people as a single great personality inspired by one definite idea. That was my task, that was what I wanted to bring out in my opera”, said Mussorgsky of Boris Godunov.

The revolutionary idea of Boris Godunov is clearly brought out in the brilliant scene of the people’s revolt (the final scene, “At Kromy”). The mighty song of the rebellious people comes as a burst of indignation against Tsar Boris and his “offsprings” whom the people hold reponsible for all their misfortunes.

The idea of composing an opera after Pushkin’s historical tragedy waz suggested to Mussorgsky by his friend and admirer V. Nikolsky, a specialist in history of the Russian language. Thet was in 1868. By this time Mussorgsky’s realistic talent and interest in the life of the people had already become apparent. He accepted the idea of writing a historical opera with enthusiasm. He was absorbed in study of the historical material of the epoch. V. Stasov aided him in finding the texts of folk songs and supplied him with the information drawn from various historical sources.

The opera was staged in the Bolshoi Theatre on December 16, 1888.

Track List

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