Вокальный квартет "Аккорд" и ансамбль "Мелодия"

The album recorded by the famous vocal quartet Accord and released by Melodiya in 1975. Accord was one of the most popular Soviet ensembles, which existed from 1960 to 1988. Two of the quartet members – Zoya Kharabadze (soprano) and Inna Myasnikova (mezzo-soprano) – were graduates of the choral department of the Moscow Conservatory’s music school. Shota Kharabadze (tenor) was an engineer by profession and first sang in the variety ensemble of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute and then in the Georgian variety orchestra Rero. Baritone Yuri Alexandrov, a graduate of the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School, joined the quartet in 1974 and replaced the previous vocalist Vladislav Lynkovsky. Accord performed songs by Soviet composers (they collaborated with composers Feltsman, Blanter, Kolker, Kuprevich, Pakhmutova, and many others, as well as Russian, Georgian, and Azerbaijani folk songs.

Track List

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