Elmir Nizamov

Elmir Nizamov (born 24 December 1986, USSR) - pianist and composer, Honoured Art Worker of the Republic of Tatarstan, laureate of the President of the Russian Federation Prize for Young Cultural Workers (2020), member of the Union of Composers of Russia, member of the Union of Composers of the Republic of Tatarstan, laureate of the D. Siraziev Prize.

Born on 24 December 1986 in Ulyanovsk. He entered music school at the age of 11. In 2006 he graduated from the piano department of the Ulyanovsk Music College. After graduating from the school he moved to the capital of Tatarstan and entered the composition department of the Kazan State Conservatoire named after N. Zhiganov, class of Professor A. B. Luppov. In 2014 Elmir Nizamov finished his postgraduate studies. Afterwards he was appointed Senior Lecturer at the Department of Composition, and now holds the post of Head of the Department of Composition at the Kazan Conservatoire.

He has studied abroad and in Russia on several occasions, so in 2012 he trained at the Schoenberg Centre in Vienna. In 2015 he studied at the International Academy of Young Composers in Tchaikovsky, studying with Peter Ablinger, Raphael Sendo and Beat Furrer. Repeated participant of seminars for young composers in the House of Composers' Creativity "Ruza" under the guidance of the Chairman of the Association of Contemporary Music V. Ekimovsky. Ekimovsky.

One of the first landmark victories for the composer was the presentation of his work in 2013 - Heavenly Movement for large symphony orchestra represented Russia at the International Contemporary Music Tribune competition organised by the International Music Council of UNESCO and the European broadcasting union. In 2016 this work was performed by the oldest orchestra of the Philharmonie de Monte-Carlo under Alexander Sladkovsky . In 2015, the premiere of Elmir Nizamov's opera Kara Pulat (Black Chamber) was a great event. It was awarded the Tantana Republican Theatre Award in the category "Event of the Year". This performance was also included in the Long list of the Golden Mask in the season 2014-2015. A nominee of the All-Russian theatre award Golden Mask in 2017, in the category of composer's work in musical theatre.

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