Nastasya Khrushcheva

Nastasya Alekseevna Khrushcheva (b. 1987) – is a Russian composer, pianist and musicologist. Associate Professor of the Department of History of Foreign Music at the St Petersburg Conservatoire. Member of the Composers' Union, candidate of art history.

Winner of the St Petersburg Government Youth Prize (2012). Winner of the Pythian Games composition competition (Interesting Cinema project, 2014). Winner of the St Petersburg Theatre Award "Breakthrough" (2015), special award of the ZIL Cultural Centre (Moscow, 2016). In the 2013-2014 season he was a resident of the St Petersburg Philharmonic, commissioned to write two orchestral works – "Beauty", three songs for voice and orchestra and "slow and wrong" for string orchestra.

His symphonic music has been performed by such conductors as Fabio Mastrangelo, Ilya Ioff, Fedor Lednev, Alim Shakhmametyev, Alexei Nyaga and Mikhail Agrest.

He has composed music for twenty-five dramatic productions, including productions by Valery Fokine, Andrei Mighty, Viktor Ryzhakov, Alexander Artemov, Dmitry Egorov and Semyon Alexandrovsky.

Since 2014, he has been a member of the independent theatre TRU (directed by Alexander Artyomov), where he acts as a co-author of texts and performer. Co-author of the texts for Alexander Artyomov's plays (with Alexander Artyomov) "Youth is Alive" and "How to Find Your Love", as well as two of his plays at the BDT's Small Stage – "It Happened to Me" and "The Last Wind of the Wild West".

Three times nominee of the All-Russian theatre award "Golden Mask": as a playwright (together with A. Artemov) and as a composer.

Winner of the Dog magazine award "Top 50: Famous People of St Petersburg" (2020).

Author of the monograph "Metamodern in and around music" (2020, RIPOL-Classic Publishing House, Moscow), which was awarded the Andrei Bely Prize (2021) in the nomination "Humanitarian Studies".

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