Evgeny Finkelstein

Evgeny Yulievich Finkelstein (born 1972, Moscow) is a Russian musician (classical guitar), laureate of international competitions, professor, head of the classical guitar department (until 2017) at the Maimonides State Classical Academy in Moscow. Maimonides.

Evgeny Finkelstein was born in 1972 in Moscow. He studied with outstanding Russian musicians Alexander Frautschi, Camille Frautschi, Nikita Koshkin and Alexander Gitman, and graduated from the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. He graduated from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (1996) and completed postgraduate studies with Alexander Frautschi (Maimonides State Academy of Music, 1999).

In 1995 Evgeny became a prize-winner of the III International Competition "Guitar in Russia" (Voronezh), in 1995 - a prize-winner of the I Moscow International Competition of Classical Guitar, in 1996 - a prize-winner of the IV International Competition "Guitar Spring" (Belgium).

Evgeny Finkelstein has given recitals in the best concert halls in Moscow, St Petersburg, Siberia, the Urals, the Far East, Austria, Germany, Great Britain and other cities in Russia and Europe: the Konzerthaus in Vienna, the Small and Rachmaninoff Halls of the Moscow State Conservatoire, the Great Hall of the State Academic Capella in St Petersburg, the Holywell Music Hall in Oxford and the Moscow International House of Music. The concert of the Moscow Soloists Chamber Orchestra, in which Evgeny Finkelstein and Yuri Bashmet performed Vivaldi's Double Concerto in D minor for viola, guitar and strings, was a great success at the Small Hall of the Moscow State Conservatoire. Yevgeny Finkelstein took part in Nikolai Petrov's Kremlin Musical Festival in 2011.

Evgeny Finkelstein is a professor at the Maimonides State Classical Academy. Many of his students have won prizes at international competitions.

In 2002, the German music publishing house Acoustic Music released Evgeny Finkelstein's compact disc "Birds Falling. Russian guitar music", which included works by N. Koshkin, S. Rudnev and G. Belyaev. The album received many rave reviews from the press. "Slassical guitar" (Great Britain): "A magnificent disc by the young Russian virtuoso Evgeny Finkelstein gives us a chance to get acquainted with contemporary Russian guitar music." In June 2004 the same music publishing house released Evgeny's second disc - "Sonata" with music by Johann Sebastian Bach, S.L. Weiss, G. Muffat and M. Giuliani. The third disc is "Lachrimae", it includes lute works by John Dowland, Robert de Wiese, Giovanni Zamboni arranged for classical guitar by Eugene Finkelstein.

 Alexander Frautschi International Competition in Moscow, International Classical Guitar Competition in Riga (as a chairman of the jury), International Competition in Tallinn (as a chairman of the jury) and others.

Yevgeny Finkelstein's recordings can be heard on Radio Orfei, Bavarian Radio, Radio Kultura, TV channel Kultura and Radio City FM. Yevgeny Finkelstein gives masterclasses at festivals in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Poland and England.

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